VA Community Partners Day
Operation College Promise attended the "VA Community Partners Day" at the Trenton Vet Center on June 17. This conference/informational session catered to more than 50 veterans and dependents and was designed to disseminate local resources including housing, legal, financial and health services. The event included 9 other veteran service organizations including "Soldier On" and "Volunteer Lawyers of NJ," just to name a couple. Operation College Promise had the opportunity to address the attendees of the event and provide an overview of OCP programs and resources to aid in the transition to higher education.
Stockton University Student Veterans Orientation
Operation College Promise hosted, in collaboration with Stockton University, the 2nd Annual Student Veterans Summit on October 17, 2015. The event, which featured speakers from the American Council on Education, the Chairman's Office on Reintegration, Soldier for Life and others drew 50 student veterans and supporters from across the state. The event, which is the first of its kind, will be enhanced in 2016 to include regional representation.
Army National Guard, Medical Management Unit, Annual Family Day Picnic
Operation College Promise visited the Lawrenceville Armory on July 11 to participate in the annual Medical Management Unit family day picnic and onsite education fair. The event was attended by more than 75 veterans and family members. OCP staff enjoyed the chance to connect with Guard members and their families throughout the day.
Internship Opportunities
Operation College Promise frequently has part-time internship opportunities through VA work study and Mission Continues fellowships. To learn more, contact Wendy Lang at