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Bachelor's-to-Master's Program Student, Sandra Thompson and family.

"I was unable to make it to the open house so I reached out to the contact at TESU and began a discussion that changed everything," said School of Business and Management Bachelor's-to-Master's Program student Sandra Thompson, pictured above with daughter Annabelle, husband Blair and their dog, Lady.

NJCBAA Awardees Sandra Thompson and Natasha Concessio join Alicia Malone (center)

NJCBAA Inducts the Best and Brightest Among Business Students: The New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association (NJCBAA) recently inducted Sandra Thompson (on left) and Natasha Concessio (on right) into its statewide honor society. The two students joined Alicia Malone (center), assistant dean in the School of Business and Management, at the annual award ceremony held at Middlesex County College in May. The NJCBAA honor society recognizes undergraduate students who excel in their studies, represent the top 1 percent of students in their respective institutions and are pursuing an associate or bachelor's degree in business.


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Managing the Master Plan

When Sandra Thompson informed her husband that she was considering master's degree programs, he thought she had become unhinged.

Thompson had received an email invitation to an open house event at Thomas Edison State University (TESU). The session promised to provide information on degree programs, methods of earning credit and TESU's Bachelor's to Master's Program. As a full-time community college student and expectant mother balancing a household on one salary, Thompson initially gave the invite scant consideration.

Until a persistent internal voice kept urging her to re-examine the opportunity.

"I didn't put much thought into the open house at first because of all the things my husband and I had going on, but my conscience kept nagging at me about the possibilities," said Thompson, a TESU Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) student. "I was unable to make it to the event, so I reached out to the contact at TESU and began a discussion that changed everything. My husband thought it was insane when I first presented the idea, however, after more research, he agreed that it would be foolish to not take advantage of the opportunity and tremendous cost savings."

Currently, as an enrolled BSBA student at the University, Thompson has already taken three MBA-level courses (9 credits) at the undergraduate tuition rate.

Before babies, mortgages and graduate-level projects, Thompson had carved out a successful career without a college degree. Entering the workforce at the age of 18, she initially worked as an administrative assistant and was immediately offered increasing levels responsibility.

"By the age of 23, I was an operations manager for a vitamin and supplement company overseeing the firm's purchasing and product manufacturing endeavors," she said. By the time she was 31, however, a flagging economy and corporate downsizing altered the playing field. With a sudden layoff thrusting Thompson back into the job market, the solid work ethic and leadership acumen she possessed were no match for a new baseline expectation among hiring managers: a bachelor's degree.

"When I applied for open positions for which I was clearly qualified, I wasn't even considered. Without being able to check off the 'college degree' box on electronic applications, my cover letter and resume weren't even making it past the primary gate keepers," said Thompson. With her unemployment benefits running out, and mere months after purchasing a new home, Thompson and her husband made a bold decision. She would forgo her job search and concentrate on earning a college degree instead.

After enrolling at the County College of Morris in Randolph, N.J., Thompson said she began treating her degree pursuit as her job. With her husband's support, she earned an associate degree in one year by taking six courses a semester, along with accelerated courses during summer and winter intersessions – while remaining on the dean's list throughout. She graduated with honors seven months into her first pregnancy.

"Two months after my daughter was born, I transferred my credits to TESU and began working on my bachelor's degree. Managing an infant while taking three courses at a time is the hardest thing I have ever faced, but I became determined that nothing would get in my way. When I first reviewed the MBA syllabus and 8-week timelines, I was intimidated, but after starting the courses, I found it manageable."

School of Business and Management staff agree that students like Thompson exemplify the acumen and tenacity they see in their best and brightest. "Sandra is an example of our most successful Bachelor's to Master's Program students," said Camilla King Lewis, assistant dean in the School of Business and Management. "The program's course work draws on her knowledge base, personal drive and leadership ability. Its cost effectiveness and course formats will support her goal of completing her MBA within the budget and timeframe she desires."

Thompson, who was recently inducted into the New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration Association (NJCBAA) Honor Society, is now expecting her second child in fall 2019. She splits her time between caring for her daughter, Annabelle, and shouldering 36 credits per year. She readily admits that it's a lot to balance, but focuses on completing her course work during Annabelle's nap times, the evenings and on weekends. "I would have never made it so far without the support from my family," she said. "Once my son is born, and I am ready to re-enter the workforce, I hope to refocus on my area of expertise – procurement and supply chain management."

When Thompson returns to the job market, she noted that she'll not only do so with her bachelor's degree, she’ll also be able to state on her resume that she is actively pursuing her master's degree.

Thompson lives in northern New Jersey with her husband, Blair, daughter Annabelle, the family's dog, Lady, and cats, Uno and Larry. "We love to hike, travel and, when I’m not pregnant, visit breweries." In the marginal time she has left, she is an avid reader as well as a Broadway and regional theater-goer. She also volunteers with a local animal rescue – FOWA Rescue – assisting with the organization's events, outreach efforts and running its Instagram account.

Learn more about the Bachelor's to Master's Program and other programs available in the School of Business and Management.

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